Ubuntu users talk about LINE (and Skype), perhaps they install wine application for LINE Apps for Windows. In the Chromium browser for Ubuntu can open LINE extension. LINE Apps for Windows is not necessary anymore.
Final challenge to the HP8730w install trying MacOS 10.6.x complete.
First step prepare external USB HDD. It must replace to internal bay because iBoot do not find external USB HDD I think so. If you do not look internal bay perhaps you can not continue install process.
If iBoot startup complete, You must choice GUID Partition Table (GPT) to format internal HDD, I used 1 partition for install space. After at you can continue MacOSX install process.
I am worried about extension choice. My PC setting is older sound module and PS/2 keyboard, this photo is some try setting but was not booting PC. Some setting try after all, I was able to use HP's keyboard, tracpad and ethernet on 10.6.0 but not used Wi-Fi. Of couse USB keyboard and mouse were OK also when install 10.6.8.
古い OS でアップデートがセキュリティ的にどうだということもこの際ほとんど意味をなさないので、スタンダードの10.6.0のまま進めることに。キーボード類のマウントはアッサリだったのだが、サウンドが大悩み。Universalをそのまま入れてしまうと、音がならない。Voodooなんちゃらの一番古いタイプ(型番が一番小さいもの)のみを選択しなおしてみたら、どうやら音はなってくれる。モノラルサウンドなのがものすごく悲しい。
Why I want to run the 10.6? I want to use Adobe CS series and Final Cut Family, there are 32bit application for MacOS. I think so Core 2 Duo is best much for 10.6.x. HP8730w is best for me that is cheap, cool graphic power and tough US keyboard. More necessary are than RAM space and hi-speed GPU. I was replace HDD to external USB and change bios setting, it is first read at USB HDD, second internal bay. If I want to start MacOSX connect the USB HDD, other than that is starting Ubuntu 16.06 64 bit from internal SSD.
I immediately will try FCP by real OS 10.6.0, no problem task speed, yeah! But ProRes data is heavy... This last of the year my friends live performance movie was editing in that machine, and it have a IEEE port, DVD drive and etc, great. I used 3 hours include rendering. Can I use CANON XV1 now or not?
I will try connect to my EeePC 1005HA my external MacOS10.6HDD, I was completed that but is wander LCD resolution. Would I try to change to EeePC isntall process next time?
Install 10.6.0, software update from internet. But not install MultiBeast yet when be booting from iBoot. I can not start from this system partition. I will try from Grub2 boot, amazing! I get desktop!! but it was 640x480 screen. 32 & 64 bit mode either success.
Photo is install snow leopard by USB stick, used iBoot legacy. If you want more information you can get from Google Teacher search engine. Please get it!