I am using iMac Mid 2010 model but its LCD is not lighting from about 3 years ago.
Specification of my iMac.
Now, left side LCD light is not work.
Left LCD line connector was drop off that I do not know reason why.
Cut off case, and it was picking up the connector.
I tried making new lines glue there. but it too difficult for me, I replace LCD in the iMac body...OMG! I broke connector on the motherboard, LCD is never lighting for ever.I connect to my iMac by VNC, LCD resolution was not good looking and cannot change it. It so misery...
さてどうしたものだろう、ネット徘徊してマザーボードと液晶パネルを探し組み替えるか、新たにマックミニでも購入するか。冷静に考えればHDDを取り出し本体を破棄処分、SSD搭載か何かのMac Miniにでもして液晶モニターを買ったほうがいいのだろうね。