
"Geta" which is summer shoes in Japan will repair sole by rubber sponge.

Base wood heel has been shaved.

This "Geta" bought two years ago, it was very cheap by $7.00, but I like this and I think more than price.


I went home center and bought rubber sponge so seem same material. And more preparation glues, cutter and more. 


 Cut off shaving part of rubber sole and surfaced.


 Glue the rubber seat and cut off edge by by scissor.


Oh yeah complete. perhaps it will be using  during this summer.

 完成! 履いてみてもいい感じ。歩いてもカタカタ音がしない。購入したシートはまだ半分残っているので、また減ってきても張り替えればいいやと気楽になってきた。


I will change default language for cell phone.

My Android is very old type 4.1.2...

Application operating is very heavy for older phone. If I chage default language, is it more speedy operating? Yes, I try now. Eventually, SNS and Mail apps became farster than then, I thik so.


By the way, I change default language first generation iPad Mini. But I could not experience speed up by its changes.

 勢い余って、初代iPad Miniも英語環境に変更してみたが、こっちはあまり体感できなかった。見た目はカッコ良くなったけどね、というマシンから今これを書いている。


How many days need a repair for 1TB HDD?

I was asked to repair data which is inside friend's HDD.

I was downloaded TestDisk from here. And try to rescue HDD by the TestDisk, but this software do not attach to the hfs+ partition. Oh no!

OK, I will try PhotoRec, choose .mpeg, .jpeg, .indd, and more file type. This screenshot is one day after, OMG!

 と、ファイルが拾えない、幾つかあるけどほとんど拾えてない。hfs+がひっかかってるのかなぁ? なので、懲りもせずTestDiskでDeepSerchを掛けてみる。1週間くらいで終わるのかなぁ?


I will be little modify my blogger top page.

I was find many useful tag etc.

Its source is here.

Use this cord to front page.
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
    <link href='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css' rel='stylesheet'/>

<!-- Optional theme -->
    <link href='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css' rel='stylesheet'/>

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">

        <col class="col-xs-2"></col>
        <col class="col-xs-2"></col>
        <col class="col-xs-2"></col>
        <col class="col-xs-2"></col>


I put previous posts in the cell, and make a link. Change default start page, finished.


Who are you? I do not know your company.

He wrote my home address and name, it is right, scary...

I am using original domain which is the end of today, he said. But I am contract another company until 2020. What is this e-mail?



It which is running Hokkaido by the motorhome is fun. Part2

Which old timers do you like?

1916 vs 1989, too much old...


This photos are take at Okhotsk Ryu-hyo Museum. Kitami where is near from here have famous "Hakka", it is peppermint. Why blowfish live in this museum water tank?



Ke-kani 毛ガニ 何も言うことなし、酒入れて出汁にしてグビッ

Kaisen-donburi 海鮮丼 これも言うことなし、ちょっと値は張るがパクパク

Tsubu-kai つぶ貝 苫小牧だとホッキ、釧路だとツブだそうで、グビッとするアテ

Kushiro-Ramen 釧路ラーメン 仕上げ、素麺並みに細い縮れ麺優しい感じのスープ

This is Abnormal B.B.Q. style in the car, and I put a wet newspaper under the B.B.Q. Stove.


Some days, I stayed "Michi-no-eki". There are public toilets, and daily use Spa where you can use anywhere. This is Lake Saroma amusement.

This place is "Bouyou-Nakayama" Michi-no-eki. Ezo-Fuji trure name is Mt Yotei.


It which is running Hokkaido by the motorhome is fun. Part1

I had driven '89 Hymer S660 Hokkaido eastern area.

Why does Japanese likes Hokkaido tour? I think so where do not have wet season, it called a "Tsuyu".


【Road Movie】

Take movies by iPhone, and Kdenlive editing.

Today's purpose is looking for great size "Sizimi" at Lake Saroma. But not yet having Lake Saroma, it was from Lake Abashiri. Normally Sizimi size is few centimeter, but lake Abashiri's were more large size. Fisherman said, lake saroma's Sizimis are more large size and will get next week.

I saw beautiful sunset at Saroma lakeside.

Northern fox is walking anywhere Hokkaido area, contacting me and throughout the place, if I do not give something to eat. Should not touch them whom have parasites.

It is somewhere at Kushiro, Hymer S660 usually sleeping place.

2.3 liter benzin motor has running one hour for warm up end, here is Kushiro Marshland.


Failed, it which is brazing on motherboad is too much difficult for me.

I want to try rebuilt my iMac motherboad.

Previous my works...

I have getten same connector from internet shop.


I bought some necessary goods at Akihabara. 


I am convinced myself, mistakes.


Keyboard mount to the iMac, monitoring is iPad mini by VNC, iMac's monitor is not  display.



I did not know that Ubuntu 16.04 be able to use Google Drive by default setting.

It is so useful but it was not mount Google Photo.

Wonderful! I will be mount Google Drive by default file browser.


 $ sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center


$ gnome-control-center online-accounts

Great! look at configuring icon in the window.

I will select Google and input user account & passwd.

 ただ本当は、Androidで自動バックアップされる写真が取り出したかったので、Google Photoがマウントできないともう一つ感が否めない。コレだといちいちダウンロードしないと利用できないのですよ、ブログとかで。

Exactly, Photos were uploaded to Google Photo.

 正確に言えば、Google Driveをウェブページで開けば、Photoの中にバックアップは上がっているのですが、見えないのですよ、困った。アップロードされるタイミングも今ひとつ分からない。

Setting Google Photo, I can see photos name in my file browser.

 ブラウザから、Google Photoの設定を変更すると、一応ファイルブラウザから見れるようにはなったのだが、やっぱりアップデートのタイミングとか色々分からない。


Set up my fingerprint to HP8730w.

I am using HP8730w from few years ago, but did not use windows.

Is this a device which is to use fingerprint? OK, I going to there.

There were written install and setup method. I would getting GUI fingerprint apps.

Immediately I save my fingerprint to Ubuntu.

Test Now, OK!
