I want to install MacOSX and Ubuntu both in the SSD, because I want to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Is it possible by my PC?
I saw very famous Hackintosh site and follow it. White USB Stick have el capitan install system. I could not boot from el capitan system Stick, and make High sierra Stick and mount High Sierra install media from el capitan it.安くなったよね、ちょっとビックリ。240Gbで5000円…いやホント。というわけで、いつもはUbuntu16.04を入れて使っていたCore2Duoマシンに、これだけ余裕があればMacOSXとのデュアルブート環境が立てたくなるというものです。エル・カピタンはなんとかインストールできたのですが、なんだか設定できず。ハイ・シエラのインストールメディアも作って2本刺し。
OS needs extend USB mouse and keyboard, I have to connect those. These works are to use long long time, I am eating dinner during it.
I did install process but I fogot choose GUID partation, I could not install High Sierra.
I used bootloader of El Capitan Stick and it read soon connect High Sierra Stick to PC.